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skeletonjelly last won the day on March 22 2016

skeletonjelly had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

88 Buono

1 Follower

About skeletonjelly

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    Fuck the deal is, fuck kill steal shit.

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Demons


      Vorresti dire che su skype parlo con uno swag come te? :-3

    3. x e N o 54

      x e N o 54

      ho scoperto di averti amico su steam, fra l'altro

  1. You're staring at the sun, you're standing in the sea, your mouth is open wide, you're trying hard to breathe

  2. Bonjour putain, oui, oui je t'aime, a demaine, a la prochaine.

  3. http://idiosyncratic-art.tumblr.com/ Ho comprato un suo disegno a Lucca, e sentivo il bisogno di pubblicizzarlo, perché è fantastico.
  4. My moods live on that swing same, push me harder, push me pushme swang into tomorrow

  5. You took your pussy game to a whole another level! (yeezy taught me)

  6. your first and last step to playing yourself like accordion

  7. buon compleanno 4chan

  8. murder on the outside everybody inside

  9. e niente,volevo solo dirti che ti voglio bene


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