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Messaggi pubblicati da creepery2j

  1. [list]
    [*]Improved lighting
    [*]Re-added some lighting optimizations
    [/list][*]Added [url=""]spawner carts[/url]
    [*]NBT structure is 100% the same as with normal mob spawners
    [*]Not obtainable item, only with MapEditor Programms or filters as this[sup][url=""][2][/url][/sup]

    Non lamentatevi sempre

    • The stitcher should now make sure to create textures that have sizes in powers of two (fixes all-white textures)
    • Trapped Chests can now transmit signal downward through one block. This does not apply horizontally (through walls)[2]
    • When powered, the hopper can't receive items(comparison[3] 13w02a/b)

  2. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Un altra patch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ma basta vorrei vedere se dovessero aggiornare loro i server

    Le leggi le news?

    La buona notizia è che questo incide unicamente sul client, così i client 1.4.5 potranno giocare su server 1.4.4 senza alcun problema.

    • Like 1

  3. Davvero?

    Io ho visto Zombie con armature e zucche anche prima.

    Ne ho visto uno con l'armatura di diamante e una zucca proprio quando giocavo con la snapshot in cui misero questa opzione.

    Forse era buggato perché nella wiki c'è scritto

    Zombies, along with Skeletons and Zombie Pigmen can also spawn wearing a Pumpkin as a helmet during Halloween (October 31st). These items will only drop from zombies killed by the player.

  4. Certo che si può fare.

    Prendi una zucca, premi Q mentre hai in mano la zucca vicino allo zombie et vualà!

    Si questo lo so,ma sembra che Jeb abbia impostato che gli zombie spawnano con una zucca in tesa ad Halloween

    Ho controllato sulla wiki ed è vero

    Finalmente un Easter egg su Minecraft

  5. Added a way to teleport a player relative to their current coordinates.[2]

    Use ~ to represent current position and then + or -.

    For example, "/tp redstonehelper ~+500 ~-5 6.13" teleports adds +500x, -5y, and moves you to 6.13z.

    Bug fixes: [Collapse]

    Fixed the glitchy block popping bug

    Fixed beacon rendering

    Fixed a crash related to map items in strongholds

    Notable bugs (Complete bug list): [Collapse]

    Using "/tp ~x ~y ~z", if y is negative, it will not teleport down (while up and other directions work) and show the following error (example with "/tp ~+500 ~-5 6.13") :

    « The number you have entered (-5,00) is too small, it must be at least 0,00 »

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