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Salve a tutti, girando per un forum straniero ho visto una sezione molto bella con circa: 6218 discussioni , trattasi di una sezione clan questo a mio parere comporterebbe ad un aumento del divertimento,con i clan potrai imparare a giocare salire di grado, conoscere gente nuova e cosi fare nuovi amici diventerebbe un gioco RPG cosi da salire di ruolo etc, qui di seguito vi posto un esempio di clan che ho trovato su quel sito:(è uno dei 6000)

Do you want to be a builder? How about a miner, farmer, or solder? Hmmm...if you are any of those, this is the clan FOR YOU!


- Never steal, kill, or disrespect your clanmembers

- Do not provoke a war!

- Be active!

- Put the word dog in the application.


Architect - A builder and redstone worker!

Dwarf - A Miner!

Trader - Has shops, trades across cities, and trades across clans!

Hobbit - A Woodcutter, fisher, and farmer!

Assassin - A silent killer!

Grand Warrior - A soldier's job to defend the work of the architects and everyone else's work in the clan!

Trainer - Gives basic training to 5 - 10 Grand Warriors at once! Must be tested first!(Limited to 4 right now)

Higer up ranks

Secretary Of War (Controls armed forces when at war into battle)- nrsteel

Secretary Of National Treasury(Controls income/output of money) - N/A

Secretary Of National Resources(Controls Mined or farmed resources being spent) - WhiteBoyWeber

Secretary Of Diplomacy(Deals with Foreign relations) - Stride

Secretary Of Defense(Deals with Fortifications of cities and strategic points across the land. Controls the defenses of the Empire) - Captain_Juan

Secretary Of Building and Environment(Gives permissions on where to build cities, where to build inside, what to/ornot do with the environment, ect...) -

Secretary Of Education(Guides, helps, and teaches members who need better methods in building, farming, mining, ect...) - N/A

Secretary Of Redstone(Master of redstone and is responsible for checking redstone wiring of other people. This man/woman can also teach others how to use redstone) - Meda420

Grand warriors ranks

Marshal - Leader of the Generals and his own special division

Generals - Leaders of Divisions

Special Force - Supreme fighting force! Extreme pvp skills! Must be considerably active! Good at defending, assaulting, pvping, and redstone cannons! These SF members could also take the place of the Captain and lieutenant if they both die if he's there!

Captain - Leader of a Squad

Lieutenant - Second in Command if the Squad leader is taken down!

Sergeant - Trains Regular Soldiers and is a Highly Trained soldier! Recommends to the Captain who to rank up.

Corporal - An averagely trained soldier!

Private - New, has only his basic training!

Trainee - Is in basic training! He/she cannot participate into any raids till the basic training is done!

Assassin Ranks

Squad Leader - Squad leader. Better than a Creed and good at leading.

Creed - Elite Assassins. Takes on Apprentices!

Assassin - A regular assassin

Apprentice - Assassin in training

Assassin Squad Types

Black Op Squad - A squad of Spies. They enter enemy towns and spy while finding information out. At the end, when the town's destruction is close, they split, join the EOS town, assassinate inside, then retreat while stealing! Each member gets 50$ per day while inside an enemy town spying.

Creed Squad - An assassination squad which runs into enemy bases silently, murders targets/people, then leave as fast as possible.

Assassin Squads

Creed Squad

The Reapers

Squad Leader - ArchReaven

Creed -

Creed -

Creed -

Creed -

Assassin -

Assassin -

Apprentice -

Apprentice -

Commander - nrsteel

Generals(Max2 for now) - WhiteBoyweber

Division Elite

Leader: Commander nrsteel

Squad Alpha

Captain -

Lieutenant - Romeo_lionmark

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Squad Bravo

Captain -

Lieutenant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Squad Charlie

Captain -

Lieutenant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Special Forces

Squad Leader - nrsteel

SF -

SF - Romeo_lionmark

SF -

SF -

SF -

SF -

Division Alpha

Leader: General whiteboyweber

Squad Alpha

Captain -

Lieutenant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Squad Bravo

Captain -

Lieutenant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Squad Charlie

Captain -

Lieutenant -

Sergeant -

Sergeant -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Corporal -

Private -

Private -

Private -

Special Forces

Squad Leader - whiteboyweber

SF -

SF -

SF -

SF -

SF -

SF -

Academy School

Class 1

Trainer - nrsteel

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainer - whiteboyweber

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee - v1zhaixingv1

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainer - Captain_Juan

Trainee - Stride

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainer - N/A

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Trainee -

Capital - The Main and most important city of the empire! Has everything of a city, 25 residents, 5 shops, an armory, 5 Thick wall, and 4 Towers Minimal! (Max1)

Cities - Has a 50 x 50 farm, walls, Barracks, a water source, Embassy, 3 shops minimal, City Hall, a Military base, and 15 Residents!

Towns - Has a 25 x 25 farm, Town hall, Barracks, a water source, and 7 Residents!

Village - Has a 10 x 10 farm, a water sources, and 3 residents!

Capital - Sparta - 95% Complete!

The Protectorate; Sainton: Mutual Alliance

The Dwarven Empire: Alliance

Member Count: 36

*Warning inactive soldiers in squads or basic training will be removed from being a soldier but not the clan! Same goes to High Ranks*

- nrsteel(Trainer, Grand Warrior)

- FURGEY(Architect, Assassin)

- Ddemko100(Architect, Hobbit)

- matheu3(Grand Warrior, Architect)

- WhiteBoyWeber(Dwarf, Hobbit, Grand Warrior)

- Epic461(Dwarf,Grand Warrior)

- Flez(Dwarf, Grand Warrior)

- killerboy70(Hobbit, Grand Warrior)

- Ment4lAsylum(Hobbit, Trader)

- nelman20(Hobbit, Trader)

- Mandratar(Assassin, Dwarf)

- Ebster27(Grand Warrior)

- Captain_Juan(Architect, Trainer)

- Romeo_lionmark(Assassin, Grand Warrior)

- pie7299(Dwarf, Architect)

- Weston121(Assassin, Trader)

- XxAteroxX(Assassin, Miner)

- MyPingsAreMagic(Dwarf, Hobbit)

- Ninja_Bee(Architect, Dwarf)

- Cradion(Trader, Assassin)

- Meda420(Architect, Dwarf)

- Zaven995(Assassin)

- Alyshadow(Builder)

- DarkGaz(Dwarf, Architect)

- Tadpoles(Farmer, Architect)

- nicholascambria(Farmer)

- v1zhaixingv1(Dwarf, Grand Warrior)

- Bloodmercy88(Dwarf, Hobbit)

- topguy999(Hobbit, Trader)

- Danster321(Architect, Dwarf)

- Stride(Grand Warrior, Dwarf)

- HFHavenger(Dwarf, Architect)

- NazgulXXI(Trader, Architect)

- SymmetricalGeo (Trader, Assassin)

- ArchReaven (Architect, Assassin)

- AsphaltSurfer97(Architect, Trader)

Application To Join

Regular Application(Use this for if you don't want to be a Military unit of any sort)


1. IGN:

2. Age:

3. County:

4. Jobs you want(Max2):

5. Why you want to join:

6. How active will you be(In Hours):

Grand Warrior Application(Use this application if 1 of your jobs will be a Grand Warrior


1. IGN:

2. Age:

3. Country:

4. Position you want(Temporary Question) and why:

5. Second job:

6. Why do you want to join:

7. How active will you be(In Hours):

Assassin Application(Use this application if 1 of your jobs will be an assassin)


1. IGN:

2. Age:

3. Country:

4. Position you want(Temporary Question) and why:

5. Second job:

6. Why do you want to join:

7. How active will you be(In Hours):

8. Tell me about your Assassination Skills:

Secretary Appliation - You must have done the regular application too! You MUST have been in the clan for 2 weeks at least!


1. IGN:

2. Age(Minimal Age Requirement 15):

3. Country:

4. Secretary Position you want:

5. Do you accept the responsibilities of a Secretary?:

6. How active will you be (In Hours):

7. Why do you want this position:

Server Ip is: xxxxxxxxxxx

Server Thread is Here!

P.S=Non dite vatti a presentare perchè sto andando gia a farlo :asd:

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Per quanto possa essere un'idea carina sarebbe davvero troppo complicato da adattare e, successivamente, da gestire.

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Per quanto possa essere un'idea carina sarebbe davvero troppo complicato da adattare e' date=' successivamente, da gestire.


Provare non nuoce....

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Provare non nuoce....

Ho troppo lavoro al momento per mettermici lì con la testa e a pensare a come integrare una cosa del genere usando il server attuale. Tra l'altro esce pure Skyrim, dubito che nei prossimi 5 giorni farò molto altro :asd:

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Provare non nuoce....

Ho troppo lavoro al momento per mettermici lì con la testa e a pensare a come integrare una cosa del genere usando il server attuale. Tra l'altro esce pure Skyrim' date=' dubito che nei prossimi 5 giorni farò molto altro :asd:


e se ci pensassi io?

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e se ci pensassi io?

Non posso mettere in mano un progetto del genere ad un utente appena iscritto che non conosco nemmeno :\

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e se ci pensassi io?

Non posso mettere in mano un progetto del genere ad un utente appena iscritto che non conosco nemmeno :\

e affidalo a qualcuno xD , comunque sono una persona abbastanza seria, anche se capisco che essendo nuovo non mi conosci, però sarebbe un idea stupenda

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Non mi sembra molto funzionale. A parte il fatto che il nostro server è già organizzato in un modo simile ma estremamente migliore e che all'esterno di un server un clan di minecraft non ha assolutamente senso.

E comunque tra Inheritance, Assassin's Creed e Skyrim nessuno di noi avrà tempo per questo :asd:

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