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[V1.8.1] Mo' Creatures - v2.14.2 con Scorpioni, Tartarughe e Coccodrilli


DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Mod

Discussione originale

Compatibile con Minecraft Beta 1.8_1

Questa Mod aggiunge altre creature al gioco.

Novità: Coccodrilli in arrivo!

Anteprima delle Tartarughe

Anteprima di Yogcast sui Gattini!

Guarda questo meraviglioso video fatto da Loooks, con la musica di c418 ;)

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-Mo'Creatures Mod

Il download reindirizza alla discussione originale (A causa dei diritti d'autore non posso mettere il link diretto)

Attenzione: dalla versione 2.14.2 in avanti, la mod richiede anche CustomMobSpawner (forum)

NOVITÀ! Mo'Creatures SMP è disponibile in questo link: Mo'Creatures SMP Beta v1.3.1

La Mod è stata rilasciata in Beta a scopo di test. Per ora puoi solamente eseguire o Mo'Creatures SMP o la versione normale. Se provi a installare tutte e due sulla stessa riceverai errori di conflitto. Entrambe le versioni saranno unite quando saranno pronte. Le istruzioni di installazione le trovi nel file ReadMe. La versione beta non include ancora Scorpioni, Coccodrili e Tartarughe. Il codificatore SMP 'Blood' è già impegnato e non ha ancora tempo di aggiornare la SMP Mod.

Disclaimer (Qualsiasi frase o parola in prima persona è riferita all'autore della mod)

Questa Mod è frutto di innumerevoli ore di lavoro. Non ho pagato per quello. Lo scarichi gratuitamente e non sono responsabile di qualsiasi danno ai tuoi Salvataggi. Questa mod non può essere distribuita da nessuna parte tranne in questo Thread (Inteso quello originale). Non hai il permesso di distribuire questa mod attraverso 'mod packages', installers o plugins. Un plugin multiplayer è consentito a patto che richieda di scaricare la mod single player non modificata per funzionare. Un programma di installazione non può ospitare questa mod, è necessario reindirizzare l'utente a questo thread (Inteso quello originale). Non puoi modificare questa mod o distribuirla senza il mio permesso. Copyright © 2011 DrZhark.

L'unico pacchetto è distribuito unicamente in YogBox

Come installare Mo'Creatures Mod:


1. ModLoader( o Modloader(direct)

2. AudioMod( o AudioMod(direct)

3. GUI Api

4. CustomMobSpawner

Installare i quattro file manualmente:

per favore installare Modloader, AudioMod, CustomMobSpawner and GUI Api PRIMA!!!! e poi:

1. Fare un backup di minecraft.jar

2. localizza la tua cartella .minecraft

3. copia file nella cartella \.minecraft

4. unzippa MoCreatures file dentro questa cartella

5. Play (ho lasciato play perchè è più figo :sisi:)

Guarda questo video di AnderZEL su come installare la mod (updated per 2.14.2)

Nuovo video di Foxy1990 che mostra come installare la mod v.2.14.2 (MC 1.8_1)

Come installare questa mod su Mac

(thanks to Aztec)

e questo video mostra come aggiustare schermate nere in Mac (thanks to Jibber)

In questo momento la mod ha:





I Coccodrilli si aggirano nei pressi delle spiagge in biomi 'palude', a volte restano fermi.

Non lasciatevi ingannare da un coccodrillo che 'dorme', sono pronti ad attaccare e la loro velocità può sorprenderti. Sono molto aggressivi e veloci in acqua.

I Coccodrilli strappano la preda con le loro mascelle, cercheranno di portare le loro prede per l'acqua, si esibiranno in una scena di morte.

Se un coccodrillo ti ha preso, si può provare a liberarsi attaccandolo, ma non tutti i colpi lo atterreranno. Non è così facile scappare dalle fauci di un coccodrillo.

I Coccodrilli droppano pellame che può essere usato per craftare l'armatura 'Croc'




Sono tipi timidi e si nascondono dalle creature più grandi di lui.

Le tartarughe sono resistenti alla maggior parte degli attacchi meno che non siano a testa in giù.

Se si clicka col destro su una tartaruga, verrà capovolto. Ci vuole tempo per il poveretto per ricapovolgersi

Si possono addomesticare le tartarughe facendo cadere fette di anguria o di canna da zucchero vicino a loro.

Una volta addomesticato, crescerà lentamente, vi seguirà e la potrete portare sulla vostra testa!




Gli scorpioni sono brutte creature che attaccano quando è notte o quando sono provocati. Quando gli scorpioni attaccano, c'è possibilità che tu venga avvelenato.

There are four different kinds of scorpions, green and browns, which will poison you, blue scorpions found on snow that will slow you down and the red scorpions found on the Nether and will set you on fire.




Wild kitties will run from player. You can throw ('Q') cooked fish near them and once they eat it, they won't run away from the player. You can then give them a medallion to tame them. Once the medallion is given you can name them. The name and health bar can be toggled on/off individually by right clicking while holding a pickaxe or globally by using the in-game mod menu.


L = leather

G = Gold ingot



Once the cat is tamed, it will look for a Kitty bed with food or milk.

Kitty Bed:

P = wood plank

I = iron ingot

W = Wool (you can use dyed wool as well, it will give you beds of different colors)




You can place beds and litter boxes by right clicking, and pick them up by right clicking while holding a pickaxe.

You can transport a kitty bed or litter box in your head by right clicking on it without holding a pickaxe. You can transport kitties that are on lying on the bed or litter box that way. the kitties will want either milk or pet food poured into the kitty bed. While the cat is eating or drinking, you can see the milk/food level shrinking.

Pet Food:

any combination of Raw Pork + Raw fish

Once the kitty has eaten, it will look for an unused litter box.

Litter Box:

P = wood plank

S = sand




The litter box will become 'used'. This item is a powerful magnet for monsters. However ogres won't stomp and Creepers won't explode. Zombies will chase and push it whereas skeletons will throw arrows at it. It is quite a sight :D After a while, an used litter box will return to its empty state. You can also use sand on an used litter box to clean it.

A cat that has eaten and used a litter box, will roam freely, it can become hungry again and look for food in a kitty bed again, or it will fall sleep at night, or try to climb a tree.

IF you use a whip nearby cats, they will sit and won't move. You can also right click on a cat while wearing a whip to individually toggle sitting on/off


L = Leather

I = Iron Ingot

C = BigCat Claws




If the cat has decided to climb a tree, you can watch it climbing. A cat that climbs a tree, will get trapped on top and will need help to come down.

You can pick up a cat in three different ways: if it is a kitten, it will ride on top of your head. An adult cat will go on the player's shoulders. If you pick up a cat while holding a rope, you will carry it by its legs. Cats don't like to be carried that way and will be annoyed once you drop them.


S = Silk




Cats can also get annoyed if they don't find a litter box or a bed with food or milk, or if you attack them once they're tamed.

Once the cat is annoyed, it will chase the player and occasionally hurt him/her. After a while the cat temper will improve.

A cat will follow you if you have a wool ball on your hand

Wool Ball:

S= string


s s


If you give the cat the wool ball, it will play with it for a while chasing it and pushing it, until the cat gets bored.

You can breed cats by giving them cake. Once cake is given, the cat will look for another cat that is also in the mood (given cake). After a while one of them will become pregnant and will need to find a kitty bed.

After a short while in the kitty bed, the cat will give birth to 1-3 kittens. Kittens will be very playful and will chase any items (not only wool balls), will play with the player and will chase its mom.

If a kitten is attacked, its mom will defend them.

Cats will display emoticons to give you clues of what they're thinking. You can turn emoticons off using the in-game mod menu.



They will run away from everything. You can pick up a mouse by its tail. Mice drop seeds.



They will attack the player at night or in dark areas, if you attack one rat, all the nearby rats will attack you. They are not too strong and their health is low. They drop coal.



Deer will run away from anything bigger than a chicken. They're peaceful creatures. You can find female, males and fawn.

They drop pork meat :D


(Image Pending)


BigCats replace the lions that were part of the initial release of this mod.

Besides male and female lions, there are Tigers, Cheetahs, Panthers, Snow Leopards and White Tigers.

Female lions and Tigers will always attack the player if within range. Male lions, panthers and cheetahs will some times attack the player. BigCats will attack only when hungry. They will also eat raw pork or raw fish when hungry. Once they eat or kill a prey, they'll stop being hungry for a while.

BigCats of different breeds will fight amongst them. Bring on the catfight! Tamed BigCats won't fight amongst them.

Wild Cubs will seldom spawn. If you throw raw pork or raw fish near a small cub, and then you give it a medallion, you will tame it and it won't despawn or attack you. Once it grows to adult size, it will fight mobs on its own. Cubs will attack any other animal smaller than themselves. Bigger (almost adult) cubs won't be tamed.



Tamed BigCats will follow you and fight any mob that targets you.

BigCats will drop BigCat Claws when killed. You can use the BigCatClaws to craft a whip.


Horses and BigCats will stay put when a whip is used near them (whitin 12 blocks). Also If you right click on a tamed Horse or BigCat while holding a whip, you can toggle them between moving and staying.

If you use a rope on a tamed BigCat, it will follow you and fight your enemies

You can watch this video by Foxy1990, showing how to tame BigCats

-Lil' Fish (including piranhas)



They have 10 different colors/patterns. Piranhas are red and will attack anything that falls in the water. You can deactivate piranhas with the in game menu



There are six different kind of dolphins (from common to rare): blue, green, purple, dark, pink and albino. The last two kinds are seen only rarely in the wild.

Taming dolphins:

You can tame dolphins by feeding them raw fish. the rarer the dolphin, the more raw fish it requires to be tamed. A blue dolphin requires 2 raw fish and an albino dolphin requires 12 raw fish. You can also tame dolphins by riding/breaking them. Rarer dolphins are noticeable faster than common ones.

Breeding dolphins:

Tamed adult dolphins can breed by feeding them cooked fish and keeping them apart from other creatures in a similar fashion than the horse breeding. Young dolphin can not breed or be tamed/ridden.

Two dolphins of the same color will always have offspring of such color. Dolphins have a 'genetic value' from 1-6. (blue = 1 and albino = 6) if you mix and match dolphins you have 1/3 chance of obtaining a purple or dark dolphin if the genetic value addition of the parents is 3 or 4, and you have a 1/10 chance of obtaining a pink or albino dolphin if the genetic value addition equals 5 or 6. i.e. A pink dolphin(5) can be obtained in 1/10 of cases by combining a blue(1) plus a dark(4) dolphin or a green (2) plus a purple (3) dolphin.

This video shows how to breed dolphins: (courtesy of Foxy1990)



The sharks will attack anything that falls in the water, except squids or other sharks. Sharks have different sizes, if you kill a big shark in easy difficulty or higher, you have a 10% chance of getting a shark egg. Right clicking on the shark eggs throws them. If the egg falls in water it will incubate and a tamed shark will hatch. Tamed sharks won't despawn and once they're big enough, will attack any other creature except sharks or the player.

The shark model was inspired by charle88's thread. He also shared his textures.



The first metamorphic and multi-stance mob for Minecraft! Don't be fooled by his appearance and sweet talk, they are ominous! He drops wood sticks or wood tools. At night it will transform into what you can see below.



You can see it in daylight, but it will transform back into human form in no time. The only way to kill this beast is by using gold items (Think of it as the Minecraft silver). You have been warned, don't face one if you don't have a gold sword. It drops gold apples, stone or steel tools.



Spawns in the grass during daytime. It will attack you only if provoked in easy difficulty or higher. It will also attack you at night. It hunts everything but lions and other bears



Spawns during the night time, only outdoors. It will attack you at night, and won't attack unless provoked during the day. Hunts small prey, and of course sheep!

-Polar Bear


Spawns only on snow. A more aggressive version than the regular Bear, the Polar Bear will attack you on sight in easy difficulty or higher. Drops fish!



New flying mob. Spawns only on Normal difficulty or higher. Drops gunpowder

-Flame Wraith


spawns only in Hard difficulty. Will set you on fire for a short time. Drops redstone. You can see them from a distance because of flashing flames.



The first mob to destroy blocks! It destroys blocks sparing ore blocks and obsidian. It drops obsidian ore

-Fire Ogre


Rarer than the regular ogre, only spawns on hard difficulty. This mob destroys blocks and ignites the floor on impact. It is fire resistant. It drops 'fire' so you can craft your chainmail.

-Cave Ogre


This one only spawns underground. It has the biggest area of damage. It drops diamonds.



Nothing original, I used material already available, credits go to dorino1 quack sounds plus painterly pack's duck texture.



They attack smaller prey and if you get close to them, they can also attack you. Be warned



Courtesy of KodaichiZero

They have four different fur colors. You can tame on by picking it up. If you keep two tamed bunnies in an enclosed space, they will breed.

If you drop a bunny while being chased by mobs, the mobs will target the bunny.

Something cool happens if you ride a horse with a bunny hat!






Birds add atmosphere to the game. There are six different kinds, and they have different sounds: Dove, Crow, BlueGrossBeak, Cardinal, Canary and Parrot. You can tame them by feeding them seeds. Once tamed, they won't be afraid of you and won't despawn.

If you pick up a bird, you can glide safely from heights



They will attack only smaller creatures. Most of the work was done by Roundaround. I worked on the 3D model



Horses are the first controllable mount in Minecraft. You will need to tame them before you can ride them. Once tamed, they won't despawn. There are eight different kind of Horses available. They are listed here from most common to the rarest.

-Brown Horse


Slightly faster than the regular horse.

-Black Horse


Faster than the others, also harder to tame.



This is a rare find! You have only 4% chance of finding a mythic Unicorn. The Unicorns are the fastest of the mounts.



The very rare Pegasus, is the first flying mount in Minecraft! Good luck finding/taming one! You only have a 1% chance of finding a Pegasus (when you find any given horse)

-Pack Horse


This horse can carry bags (a portable inventory). You can only get one by breeding other horses



This horse is fire resistant, and will set the ground on fire if you feed it redstone. You can only get one by breeding other horses

-Black Pegasus


The best horse you can get, it is fire resistant, has an inventory and is also a flying mount. You can only get one by breeding other horses

This is how you craft the Horse Saddle:


-Quick guide on how to tame horses:

The faster/rarer the horse, the harder to tame. This is what they require to be as docile as possible before you mount them. Even after making them happy, you will have to break/ride them until they accept you. To make them docile you will need to give:

- Light horses (1 bread or 4 wheat)

- Brown Horses (2 bread or 8 wheat)

- Black horses (3 bread or 12 wheat)

- Unicorns (4 bread or 16 wheat)

- Pegasus (5 bread or 20 wheat)

Or you can give them an apple, that will tame them instantly. Feeding the horses apples, bread or wheat will restore their health as well.

Since the horse riding has been improved allowing the player to use weapons, collect items and place blocks while riding, the only way to dismount a horse is by clicking the sneak key (shift)

Quick guide on how to breed horses:

Rules for breeding:

-The horses to breed should be kept close (no more than 4 blocks away)

-There should be no other horses around (8 blocks)

-You have to feed them both to start the process (suitable foods are mushroom soup or pumpkins)

-Both horses should be fertile (i.e. they accept pumpkins/soup/cake)

-you can not be too close (4 blocks) or they won't breed

-it takes time (about 1/2 Minecraft day)

-the results of the breed depends on the genetic 'value' of the horses:

light horses = 1

brown horses = 2

dark horses = 3

unicorns = 4

pegasus = 5

packhorse = 6

nightmare = 7

black pegasus = 8

Depending on the sum of both parents' genetic value you have a CHANCE of getting a rare breed:

-if both horses are of the same kind, they will have equal offspring, otherwise:

-sum equal 7 = chance of getting a packhorse

-sum equals 9 = chance of getting a nightmare

-sum equals 10 = chance of getting a pegasus

-sum equals 12 = chance of getting a black pegasus

-if the sum is none of the above, you will get a random horse with genetic value 1-5

Quick Guide on How to use the Horses' Inventory:

-This works only for PackHorses and BlackPegasus

-The horse needs to be tamed, and you need to give it a chest (only once)

-To activate the inventory, you need to have a stone shovel or torch in your hand (think of it as a key) and then right click on the horse

How to activate the Nightmare's special ability:

-it has to be tamed, you need to give it a redstone.

-after that, ride it... and be careful

You can craft a rope:


that can be used to tie horses and BigCats, so they will follow you.

Non ho tradotto tutta la discussione perché ormai la 1.0 è alle porte, e questa mod non la userà quasi più nessuno.

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