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Problema Mob?


salve ragazzi, sto creando un nuovo mob zombie, sapreste dirmi come , quando è mattina, prenda fuoco? a me rimane vivo

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3 risposte a questa domanda

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salve ragazzi, sto creando un nuovo mob zombie, sapreste dirmi come , quando è mattina, prenda fuoco? a me rimane vivo


Bastava spulciare il codice degli zombie :)



    public void onLivingUpdate()
        if (this.worldObj.isDaytime() && !this.worldObj.isRemote && !this.isChild())
            float f = this.getBrightness(1.0F);

            if (f > 0.5F && this.rand.nextFloat() * 30.0F < (f - 0.4F) * 2.0F && this.worldObj.canBlockSeeTheSky(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ)))
                boolean flag = true;
                ItemStack itemstack = this.getCurrentItemOrArmor(4);

                if (itemstack != null)
                    if (itemstack.isItemStackDamageable())
                        itemstack.setItemDamage(itemstack.getItemDamageForDisplay() + this.rand.nextInt(2));

                        if (itemstack.getItemDamageForDisplay() >= itemstack.getMaxDamage())
                            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(4, (ItemStack)null);

                    flag = false;

                if (flag)



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Bastava spulciare il codice degli zombie :)



    public void onLivingUpdate()
        if (this.worldObj.isDaytime() && !this.worldObj.isRemote && !this.isChild())
            float f = this.getBrightness(1.0F);

            if (f > 0.5F && this.rand.nextFloat() * 30.0F < (f - 0.4F) * 2.0F && this.worldObj.canBlockSeeTheSky(MathHelper.floor_double(this.posX), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posY), MathHelper.floor_double(this.posZ)))
                boolean flag = true;
                ItemStack itemstack = this.getCurrentItemOrArmor(4);

                if (itemstack != null)
                    if (itemstack.isItemStackDamageable())
                        itemstack.setItemDamage(itemstack.getItemDamageForDisplay() + this.rand.nextInt(2));

                        if (itemstack.getItemDamageForDisplay() >= itemstack.getMaxDamage())
                            this.setCurrentItemOrArmor(4, (ItemStack)null);

                    flag = false;

                if (flag)



grz :)

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